Can you read emotions? Callymotion is a game based on the rules of a memory, but goes far beyond it with its style, charm and extraordinary rules. It will make you laugh for sure.
The „adventure“ starts while opening the box. You can touch the minted logo on sealing stamps with a gold/red/bronze flip-flop effect and after reading the rules on the folded down inside, you can explore the different textured pockets, chips, the cheat slip and the different playing cards. It is the goal to find as many pairs of emotions as you can. One card shows the facial expression, the other one the calligraphic complement. Every emotion has its own colour, but is also a part oft the harmonic colour gradiant. While playing you have to show certain facial expressions, outthink your teammates and be careful not to flip the wrong cards… Callimotions is not only a game for fanciers of the thrill, but also for fanciers of good design.